Team Cherry - Sweet round games

Team Cherry Holiday Sign Off

Ari | 13 December, 2019 | Hollow Knight, Silksong

Happy Holidays Gang!

With Christmas close and Team Cherry about to take a few days off after an intensive year’s development, we’re gonna try and keep this update as snap-sharp as we can. Keep Reading…

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Post E3 Wrap! Silksong Systems Update!

Ari | 25 June, 2019 | Uncategorized

Team Cherry checking in for a long-past due Silksong development update. Let’s get into it for our post-E3 wrap edition!

E3 2019

E3 just happened in LA and Hollow Knight: Silksong was on the floor thanks to Nintendo. The playable demo drew crowds throughout all 3 days of the event and offered a sneak peek at two areas from the game: The Moss Grotto, a lush, damp area and the Deep Docks, a groaning structure atop (and within) a lake of lava.

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HK Physical! Late Anniversary Celebration! Silksong Mini Update!

Ari | 19 March, 2019 | Art, Hollow Knight, Silksong

Gang! We’re jumping in for a quick round-up update. Lots going on in the world of Hollow Knight, so we’re gonna start running down the list. This’ll be a speedy one, so we can dive straight back into Silksong development. Hold onto your horns! Keep Reading…

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Hollow Knight: Silksong Revealed!

Ari | 14 February, 2019 | Uncategorized

No time for fluff today gang. Let’s leap straight in for the big reveal, in trailer form

Hollow Knight: Silksong is the second game by Team Cherry (that’s us!) and the full-scale sequel to Hollow Knight.

And Pwoarrrrrrowza! if this one hasn’t been a struggle to keep under-wraps! Hidden behind the scenes, Hornet’s gigantic adventure has been growing (and growing and growing!) for well over a year now, with the very first pieces coming together right after the original PC release of Hollow Knight on Feb 24th 2017.

Almost from the very start, Hornet’s adventure was intended to take place in a new land, but as we dove in, it quickly became too large and too unique to stay a DLC, as initially planned. We do know that makes the wait a little longer, but we think the final, fresh world you’ll get to explore is worth it.

Hollow Knight: Silksong will be available, at launch, on Windows, Mac, Linux & Nintendo Switch. More platforms may happen! Just remember, we’re 3 people, already working rather hard, so we haven’t committed to anything else just yet. We don’t wanna collapse before we get this massive bug kingdom ready for you.

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Ready your needle!

Tune in this Valentine’s Day, Feb 14th, for a first look at Hornet’s new adventure.

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